Pelvic Health Treatment

Physical therapists that specialize in restoring proper function to the pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic health specialists help treat bowel or bladder pain, pelvic pain with intercourse, post surgery or postpartum and issues with voiding (bladder leaking, urge incontinence, bowel leaking and constipation). 

Pelvic floor physical therapists use the following treatment tools:

Pelvic Floor
  1. Assessing and improving bladder and bowel habits

    • Toileting technique

    • Bladder/Bowel Dietary Irritants

    • Daily water intake

    • Voiding amount and frequency

    • Fiber type and daily intake

  2. Internally assessing the pelvic floor muscles in order to:

    • Assess strength of the muscles

    • Identify trigger points that may be contributing to pain

    • Teach correct use of pelvic floor muscles to control your bowel and bladder

    • Teach relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles

  3. Determine contributing factors from low back, hips, and or abdominal muscles.

  4. Develop a home program which will include muscle exercises

Physical therapy for postpartum care can include assistance with

  1. Correcting Diastasis Recti and bringing back core musculature

  2. Stabilization of the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint using muscular control and/or bracing

  3. Using therapeutic ultrasound to help treat engorgement and clogged ducts that can occur in breastfeeding mothers

  4. Giving guidance for return to activity including assessment of pelvic floor control/strength and training if post partum incontinence is occurring.


  • Lymphedema

  • Post Breast Cancer Surgery/Reconstruction

  • Pre,Peri,Post-partum

  • Pre,Peri,Post-menopause

  • Osteoporosis

  • Urinary or Fecal Incontinence

  • Pelvic Pain

  • Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) Pain

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse